This week we have been making music. For this, we have been using an app called Chrome Music Lab. With this app you can create rhythms, moods, songs and more. Our goal was to learn about rhythm, then we created a tune that showed a mood. When we finished making a mood and rhythm we could make a song. What I found hard was timing, it was really hard to get the beats right on time.This app is really fun to use and learn about other ways of making music. Have you heard or seen the Chrome Music Lab app?
Hi Tiana im Zoe from Otaki College and im a yr 7.
ReplyDeleteThat's fun that you have been making music I haven't used it but I have used a app called Sound trap Good job Bye!
Hi Zoe thank you once again so for commenting on my Music post, I am really thankful. You should try this out because I think you will make a cool beat.
ReplyDeleteHow do you get on Sound Trap?