
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Most Excellent T-Ball Practise

Last Wednesday Kacey came into our school and taught us how to play 

T-Ball. We started by separating into equal teams. One group got to bat and the other got to field. The batting team had to hit it off the T and run to base one. But, if the fielder held the ball on the base you were running  to,  you were out. If you made it you had to run to base two once the ball was hit by the next batter. You had to keep running to each base but if you ran all the way to home base without getting out you scored a homerun. The team with the most  home runs win. If the fielders get three bats out  your team swaps with the fielders. 

Have you ever played T Ball before?


Friday, October 30, 2020

Sharing My Knowledge In Te Reo Maori

 For the past few weeks in Te Ngahere we have been working on a weather report in Te Reo Maori. I did a blog post about learning the weather in Te Reo a few weeks ago. Now Boston and I have finally moved on to our DLO, we had a choice to make our DLO into a powtoon, animation or green screen Boston and  I chose to do a slide show. It didn’t matter what we had chosen, but it had to have a map of New Zealand  with all of the locations written in Te Reo Maori. Once we had finally finished we had to do a screencastify over the slide we  made. Have you ever done a weather forecast in te reo maori?

Here it is!

Friday, October 23, 2020

The Best Artwork Ever!

This week Te Ngahere have doing art.  we have been practising to draw continuous lines and blend with coloured pencils. First we got a template that you could just see through the paper and then we had to draw with our shoulder for the out line. Drawing with your shoulder is like doing big long lines because if you draw with your wrist you can only do small and not as tidy lines. When we were really confident in ourselves we could start practising  blending with colored pencils. One of the things we can’t do is talk because our teachers say we need to really concentrate. I found the art quite fun and I can’t wait until we start our good copy. Do you use your shoulder to draw?

Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Most Excellent Cricket Practice

In Te Ngahere we played Speed Cricket . We learnt how to hold the bat, how we have to stand and we had to  face our shoulders the direction the way we   wanted to hit the ball. We  started by finding a buddy to hit the balls to. We had three balls to  hit off the batting cone. Once we finished hitting all three balls, we had to swap over. Once we started getting better, we got to play Speed Cricket. We had to halve the groups and play. We  had three bats to play with. We had to stand in a line and take turns batting the ball. If a group in the opposite side catchers the ball one bat is out, if the baller hit the wickets or if the bat hits the wickets two mor bats are out and if you throw the bat to the next person in line your hole team is out out 

Have You Ever Played First Cricket Before?


Friday, October 16, 2020

The Brilliant Beach Day


The beginning of the holidays we went to the beach with my cousins. When we got to the beach my cousins jumped straight into the water and I stayed on shore. After five or ten minutes my cousin forced me to jump in with them. So I went to go put my feet in the water and it was warm. But one of my cousins pushed me in so I went for a swim. We stayed in there for 20 to 30 minutes and then went home.

Did you go to the beach in the holidays?

Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Coolest App Ever!

This week we have been making music. For this, we have been using an app called Chrome Music Lab. With this app you can create rhythms, moods, songs and more. Our goal was to learn about rhythm, then we created a tune that showed a mood. When we finished making a mood and rhythm we could make a song. What I found hard was timing, it was really hard to get the beats right on time.This app is really fun to use and learn about other ways of making music. Have you heard or seen the Chrome Music Lab app?

Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Best Rippa Rugby Game

In Te Ngahere for the past week we  have been playing a game called Rippa Rugby. We first started by putting on our rippa tags and then we got separated into four groups the team colors was Blue,Green,Yellow and Orange. My group color was Blue. After we put our rippa tags on our teacher picked two groups to verse. If the other team ripped your  tag two times it is a hand over. If your team scores three times you win. The first groups was my group and the orange group. My group won three zero. Then the last groups hopped on and verse the yellow team and won two one.

Have you ever played Rippa Rugby


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Sharing My Knowledge On Te Reo Maori

My Writing:  Sharing My Knowledge On Te Reo Maori

in Te Ngahere for the past 2 weeks we have been doing Te Reo Maori. For Te Reo

Maori we have been learning how to pronounce  the Maori words for the Weather.

We first started by copying the teacher.  The names for the weathers are Hau for

Wind, Ra for Sun, Huripari for Tornado, Aniwaniwa for Rainbow, Hukarere for

Snow, Kapua for Cloud, Uira for Lightning, Ua for Rain, Pata Ua for Sun Shower,

Awha for Storm and Ua whatu for hail. After we learnt how to pronounce  them we

got to play Ika (Fish) and maumaharatanga (memory) I enjoyed learning the

kupu (Words). It was hard for me to pronounce the long kupu. 

Does your class do Te Reo?

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Sharing My Knowledge On Te Reo Maori

In Te Ngahere for the past 4 weeks we have been doing Te Reo Maori. For Te Reo Maori we have been learning how to pronounce Maori words properly. We first started by reading a Maori book called Nga Mahi Parekareka Kei Te Marae every day and copying after our teacher. it was ard trying to put the right Maori word into a sentence. After a week we got to go off  and create a google slide to show what we had learnt. 

Does your class study Te Reo Maori?

Friday, September 4, 2020

My New and Improved Math DLO about Equivalent Fractions

This week in my maths group we have been making maths DLOs, I did my maths DLO with Archie and Ngatoki. We had done separate screencastifys but we said the same thing. We were learning to do equivalent fractions, equivalent fractions are when there’s a fraction and you can change the numbers but it would equal the same fraction. You would change the numbers by multiplying and dividing the numerator and the denomentator by the same number. We solve equivalent fractions by figuring out what number we have to divide or multiply the numerator and denominator by. We were doing the maths DLOs to show our learning on equivalent fractions. The easy part was multiplying and dividing the numbers and the hard bit was to know what to multiply or divide it by. 

Do you know how to do equivalent fractions?

Friday, August 28, 2020

One Helpful Fact About The Kawa Of Care

For the past couple of weeks we have been re - learning the Kawa of Care and making a poster, animation, powtoon or a comic  to tell other people about the Kawa of Care, I chose to do a slide. The Kawa of Care are the  rules for your chromebook so it won’t be broken or that no one will be able to get in your account, it is really important to use the Kawa of Care. One of the rules is don’t eat food or drink by your chromebook because the water and food will get in the keys and make them not work anymore. The easy part was writing the Kawa of Care facts that I had chosen and the hard bit was to choose the background for the the slide. I learnt that you have to use the Kawa of Care so your chromebook will never end up broken or having something bad happen to it. Have you used the Kawa of Care before?

Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Best And Wonderful Wonder Project

In Te Ngahere some engineers  named Troy and Gestarvo came in to our class. They  talked to us about how rockets needs stability, thrust and drag to make them fly. But, when the thrust runs out the rocket goes down because of the weight and drag. Once we finished talking about that we all went out on the deck to watch a couple of people test the launcher .Then we all went back into class to work on an activity to create a rocket. We used shapes and then added  arrows facing the way it will go with thrust and without thrust. If we finished that we had a chance to start creating the look of our own rocket. Here is a picture of what I did for the activity. Have you done the Wonder Project before?

Friday, August 14, 2020

Te Reo Maori Sentences

This term in Te Ngahere we have been  learning how to read in Te Reo Māori. It was hard to read the long words. It was easy after I got used to reading them. I liked learning new Te Reo words. We are learning to use the correct pronunciation of Te Reo Māori by reading a  pukapuka (book) in Te Reo Māori called Ngā Mahi Pārekareka Kei Te Marae (Fun At The Marae ). After we learn how to read it by ourselves without any help we go and read it to the younger tamariki (children). We will also read the English version after the Te Reo Māori version.  We are doing this so we can learn more Te Reo Māori and learn how to speak Te Reo Māori. Do you know any Te Reo Māori words? Here is a LINK and photo of the title to the pukapuka (book)

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Cross Country Practice

In Te Ngahere we have been doing cross country practise. We have to run around the field 9 times in 15 minutes. I want to run around the field more than 10 times. It was hard when I got stitch because we still had to keep running. I like it when the teacher runs with us because she always  encourages us to keep going. Do you practice for cross country?

Friday, July 31, 2020


The first week and a half of the term we have been doing alot of
P.E. and fitness for cross country. The first game we played was
Universal Ball. Universal Ball is when you have to run around the
hoop and if the teacher throws up a soccer ball you have to play
soccer, If the teacher throws up a basketball you have to play
basketball and if the teacher throws up a  netball you have to
play netball. Whoever scores the most points wins. I really like
Universal Ball because it gets easy when you keep playing.
It’s very hard when you verse the year eights . i really enjoy the

Have you ever played this game before?

Friday, July 24, 2020

Matariki Art

In Te Ngahere this week we have been doing matariki art. We had to decorate a paper feather. Then  glue an A4 piece of paper at the back so it is thicker. We wrote our goals and dreams on the back.  After we finished we had to cut it out and stick it to a cloak. Do you celebrate matariki at your school?

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Mind Blowing Facts About Your Chromebook

  Mind Blowing Facts About Your Chromebook

This blog post is about my digital dig i learnt that ctrl / is to see all chromebook shortcuts ctrl hh is to see your history. My focus is to get more feedback and teach people new short cuts on there chromebook.

I found this activity quite easy and really interesting.  I Learned a lot of new things that I did not know before. My favourite hack was control/ which showed me all of the shortcuts.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Design Our Classroom

My Writing: Design our classroom
In Te ngahere this year we have been doing art we had to make our classroom look like the ngahere. My group is doing kakapo, kiwi and a silvereye we are going to blow up a the balloon and then but news paper macha on the balloon Then wait for it to dry next we are going to paint them and then make the legs and beak out of cardboard..